Video Game Development


JKT-1N was a project created as part of Unity Connect's NEON Challenge created to show off the Cinemachine camera system. I used many of the tropes from the cyberpunk culture and inspiration from films such as Blade Runner, Ghost In the Shell and Akira. I used a combination of free to download assets from the Unity Asset Store and many of my own models and textures.

Captain Donovan's Treasure

Captain Donovan's Treasure started out as a tecnical project on a randomly generated maze game.

I expanded on the idea to create an educational game based on solving simple math puzzles to be able to advance through the maze.


Deeper is a passion project that I have been working on and off for a few years.

Its a horror experience based on some common nightmares and set in many different locations.

See my Assets on the Unity Asset Store

Commercially Released Games